Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kissing Tag

Last night at 10pm I remembered that I needed to take the videos back to Blockbuster. I instantly thought of my wonderful, perfect, loving and helpful husband who would surely LOVE to go to the video store at 10 o'clock at night! He said he would go but, to my amazement, was not completely enthused about going. I asked him for a kiss before he left and again, to my amazement, he said no!!! The nerve of him!! I decided to be persistent and follow him out to the car. He started running. I started running. He ran around the car. I ran around the car. Around and around the car we went. By this time we were both laughing...but he was still running and I was still running. This actually went on for longer than I thought it would. I really was going to have to work for that kiss!! I decided I was going to have to try another strategy (he was faster than I thought). I faked left, then turned right and ran as fast as I could (please don't try to imagine this maneuver in your head. It wasn't pretty. I think I actually pulled something!) Victory...I had him in my arms! I don't think I ever played "kissing tag" in elementary school and I don't think I missed out on anything. But last night, the kiss was worth the wait!


The Chambers Family said...

I am so glad that you joined the blogging community and that I am the first to leave a comment. Have a great day.

Jen said...

I have tears of laughter! What a cute and funny story! And yes, I can totally picture it! I love the way you think Allie!

Jen said...

I also LOVE the name of your blog. It speaks volumes of your sweet and sunny disposition! You're the best, Allie!

Jen said...

Alright Allie! Time to get blogging! You've got one great entry but I am sure that there are many more just waiting to be journaled! Blogging is a great way to journal and scrapbook funny little quirky every day happenings and big family events! So get goin' on this girl! Just spend 15-30 minutes a day and before you know it you'll have a blog full of memories. And if you need help enlarging photos, changing your template or just sprucing things up, let me know and I can help. =)